On Set of Music Video. Photo Credit: Eilish Nobes.
Hey, there! Kyle here. I am a passionate visual storyteller with a keen eye and an obsession with light, cameras, lenses, and how I use them to capture and share the stories I am telling. My favorite thing in the world is having a camera in my hands and an interesting character in front of my lens. Whether in narrative, documentary, commercial or anything I can shoot, I love it, I am possessed, I can’t get enough.
When not hanging out with my wife Liz (the best) and baby girl Ada (the best), I spend all my time watching other professionals, learning, reading American Cinematographer, listening to the Team Deakins’ Podcast (OBSESSED!), and researching story and techniques to bring them to life in the most authentic and dynamic way possible. I can’t let a subject go until I dig into the details and emotion that is at the true heart of the story.
My true passion is documentary directing and cinematography, and sharing the life experiences with all the people I get to meet. My main goal is to find and work with visionary collaborators, telling stories that move people to positive action.
Favorite Directors: Stanley Kubrik & Akira Kurosawa.
Favorite DoPs: Sir Roger Deakins, Greig Fraser, Bradford Young, Kazuo Miyagawa
Favorite Documentaries: Man on Wire, Fog of War, Resistance is Life (yeah, Apo!)
Favorite TV: The Wire (duh), Golden Girls (it’s the best), Arrested Development.
Favorite Books: All Quiet on the Western Front & Rubicon: Last Years of the Roman Republic.
Favorite Foods: Anything decadent and delicious, especially steak.
Favorite Libations: Scotch. Single Malt. Nothing less than 12 year. (Few exceptions). Also, Beer. (not snobby).
Favorite Music: L.v. Beethoven, Metallica (nothing past And Justice…), Philip Glass (his solo piano).
Favorite Punctuation: ? (Questions lead to interesting places and ideas, periods are dead ends).
Favorite Color: Black. Obviously.
Self Portrait